BULLY PROOF A NATION. Why I wrote the book. – JW Rhodes

BULLY PROOF A NATION:   Armed for the Giant

Why I wrote the book by JW Rhodes


 While watching the news one night, sitting on the coach with my wife,  my heart went out to a young man that was bullied by two other young men, in which he later attempted to commit suicide.  Immediately, it made me furious and upset to hear what was going on in our city of Lexington, Ky.  This of course was nothing new, especially to those of big urban cities, it’s just that some have coined the phrase to attack the issue at hand in a different approach and to make it a nation wide campaign to fight this problem.  Of course I’ve heard of kids being bullied and even experienced being bullied in school myself, who hasn’t.  Anyway,  this particular night watching the TV was much different.  I immediately said to myself what can I do to make a difference in the community this is going on in,  and how can I help perhaps help save someone who was being abused, taken advantage of or even bring more awareness to this demeaning action that is effecting many children, and youth in our schools systems and community.

                Suddenly, this became a burden to me and as I began doing the research about bullying, it was then that I discovered that bullying was in fact a Nation Wide Epidemic.  The stats spoke for themselves, and they were alarming.  I will later get into the stats soon, but right now I will focus on sharing with you how this mission to save the innocent from bullies, educated others on bullying, to provide solutions, and to importantly heighten the awareness of bullying.  So, thus I began the journey to bring more awareness to bullying but also to provide solutions such as, walking away, taking a deep breath, etc.  As I thought about these global steps it was evident that I had a solution right in my hands in the book that I had written two years ago called WIT4Life.  I will share some of those behavior modification techniques I have used for over ten years with children and youth for anger management & conflict resolution as a clinical therapist for ten years.  My aim is to fight this epidemic with the means that I already possess and to make a difference.


WIT4LIFE – Strategies for anti-bullying on AMAZON:




Just a snipet of the new book Bully Proof A Nation

Look for Bully Proof Tips from book in future postings.

– New book by JW Rhodes –
